Blastomussa Wellsi Frag C - WYSIWYG


Sale price$149.99


Blastomussa wellsi, commonly known as the "Blastomussa Coral," is a species of stony coral that is highly regarded for its vibrant and colourful appearance. It belongs to the family Mussidae and is native to the Indo-Pacific region, mainly found in the waters around Australia and Indonesia. This coral species is a popular choice among reef aquarium enthusiasts due to its striking beauty.

Here are some key characteristics and information about Blastomussa wellsi:

Appearance: Blastomussa wellsi has large, round or oval polyps in various colours, including shades of green, brown, and fluorescent. The polyps have fleshy, thick tissue, making them stand out in a reef aquarium.

Care Requirements: This coral is considered suitable for intermediate-level reef keepers. It requires stable water parameters, moderate to high lighting, and gentle water flow. It can be placed on the substrate or attached to live rock.

Feeding: Like many other stony corals, Blastomussa wellsi can obtain some of its nutrition through photosynthesis, but it also benefits from supplemental feeding. You can target-feed it with small meaty foods such as zooplankton or coral-specific foods.

Polyp Extension: These corals typically have polyp extensions during the day and retract them at night. Observing their feeding behaviour can be a fascinating aspect of keeping them in a reef tank.

Growth: Blastomussa wellsi can grow slowly, and they can be propagated through a process called "fragmentation," where a portion of the coral is carefully broken off or cut and allowed to grow into a new colony.

Fragility: While relatively hardy, they can be vulnerable to predation from certain reef fish and may require protection from potential threats.

Coral Statistics

Care level: Easy
Temperament: Peaceful
Lighting: Low
Water flow: Low
Placement: Bottom
Common Name: Blastomussa
Latin Name: Blastomussa wellsi
Family: Mussidae
Size: 2 inches

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