Firefish Goby

New Arrivals

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Nemateleotris magnifica, commonly known as the Firefish Goby or Fire Dartfish, is a popular and colorful addition to marine aquariums. Here are some care tips for keeping Nemateleotris magnifica:

Tank Size: Provide a tank with a minimum size of 30 gallons (113 liters) for a single Firefish Goby. If you plan to keep multiples, increase the tank size accordingly to accommodate their territorial behavior.

Water Parameters: Maintain stable water parameters. Ideal conditions include a temperature range of 72-78°F (22-25°C), pH of 8.1-8.4, specific gravity of 1.020-1.025, and ammonia/nitrite levels at zero. Regular water testing and partial water changes are essential for water quality.

Substrate and Decor: Firefish Gobies appreciate a sandy substrate with plenty of hiding spots like caves, overhangs, or live rock formations. These structures provide security and mimic their natural habitat.

Tankmates: Choose tankmates carefully. Firefish Gobies are generally peaceful but may be intimidated by larger or aggressive fish. Compatible tankmates include other peaceful community fish and invertebrates like shrimp and snails.

Feeding: Offer a varied diet consisting of high-quality marine flake or pellet food, supplemented with frozen or live foods like brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, and finely chopped seafood. Since they are midwater feeders, ensure food is dispersed throughout the water column.

Acclimation: Proper acclimation is crucial. Slowly introduce them to your tank environment using drip acclimation to help them adjust to water parameters and reduce stress.

Water Flow and Lighting: Provide moderate water flow to simulate their natural habitat. Lighting should be moderate to subdued since they prefer dimly lit environments in the wild.

Jump Prevention: Firefish Gobies are known jumpers, so ensure your tank has a tight-fitting lid or cover to prevent them from leaping out.

Compatibility: While Firefish Gobies can be kept in pairs or small groups, be cautious as they may exhibit aggression towards their own species, especially if introduced simultaneously. It's generally best to introduce them in pairs rather than groups.

Observation: Monitor their behavior regularly. Any signs of illness, stress, or aggression should be addressed promptly to maintain their health and well-being.

By providing a suitable environment and proper care, you can enjoy the vibrant colors and graceful movements of Nemateleotris magnifica in your aquarium.

  • Care level: Easy
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Diet: Carnivore
  • Reef Compatible: Yes
  • Family: Gobiidae
  • Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallons 


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