Frostbite Clownfish (Captive Bred)

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The Frostbite Ocellaris clownfish is a popular and iconic species of clownfish that is commonly found in the aquarium trade. Here are some key facts about Ocellaris clownfish:

Appearance: Ocellaris designer clownfish that has genetics from both the Wyoming White Clownfish and Snowflake Ocellaris Clownfish. The phenotype resembles mostly the Wyoming White with the uniform white coloration and fins that turn black with age.

Size: On average, Ocellaris clownfish reach a size of about 3 to 4 inches (7.5 to 10 centimeters) in length. Females are generally larger than males.

Distribution: Ocellaris clownfish are native to the Indo-Pacific region, including the Great Barrier Reef and various other coral reefs in the waters of Australia, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea.

Behavior: Ocellaris clownfish are known for their symbiotic relationship with sea anemones. They form a mutually beneficial partnership, where the clownfish receive protection from predators within the anemone's stinging tentacles, and they, in turn, provide food and nutrients to the anemone. However, in captivity, Ocellaris clownfish can adapt to other types of hosts or even live without anemones.

Reproduction: Like other clownfish species, Ocellaris clownfish are protandrous hermaphrodites. This means they are born male and have the ability to change their sex to female. In a group of clownfish, the largest individual is usually the female, and the second-largest is the male. If the female dies, the male will change its sex and take her place.

Aquarium Care: Ocellaris clownfish are well-suited for captive aquarium environments. They can thrive in tanks with a minimum size of 20 gallons (75 liters) and require proper water parameters, including temperature, salinity, and pH levels. They are generally hardy and easy to care for, making them suitable for beginner hobbyists.

Feeding: Ocellaris clownfish are omnivorous and will eat a variety of foods. In the wild, their diet primarily consists of algae and zooplankton. In captivity, they can be fed a combination of high-quality commercial fish foods, such as flakes or pellets, supplemented with occasional live or frozen foods like brine shrimp or mysis shrimp.
  • Care level: Easy
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Diet: Omnivore
  • Reef Compatible: Yes
  • Family: Pomacentridae
  • Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallons

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