Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish (XLarge)

New Arrivals

Sale price$599.99


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The Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish (Chaetodon semilarvatus) is a species of marine fish belonging to the family Chaetodontidae. It is also commonly known as the Golden Butterflyfish or the Sunburst Butterflyfish. This species is known for its striking coloration and beautiful patterns, making it a popular choice for aquarium enthusiasts.

Here are some key characteristics of the Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish:

Appearance: The Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish has a disc-shaped body with a pointed snout and a small mouth. It features a bold color pattern with a vibrant golden-yellow body, a dark black bar across the eye, and a diagonal black stripe extending from the dorsal fin towards the tail. The fins are typically yellow or white.

Size: It can grow up to about 20 centimeters (8 inches) in length.

Distribution: The species is found in the Indo-Pacific region, particularly in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, and along the east coast of Africa. It can also be found in the waters of the Maldives, Sri Lanka, the Andaman Sea, and parts of Indonesia.

Habitat: Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish are typically found in coral reefs and lagoons, where they seek shelter and feed on various invertebrates such as coral polyps, worms, and small crustaceans.

Behavior: They are generally peaceful fish but may become territorial when kept in smaller aquariums. In the wild, they often form pairs and can be seen swimming together.

Aquarium Care: Keeping Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish in an aquarium requires a well-established reef tank with plenty of hiding spots and live rock for them to graze on. They should be provided with a varied diet that includes a mix of meaty foods such as small shrimp, mysis shrimp, and frozen marine preparations. It is important to maintain good water quality and provide adequate swimming space.

  • Care level: Moderate
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Diet: Omnivore
  • Reef Compatible: No
  • Family: Chaetodon semilarvatus
  • Minimum Tank Size: 125 gallons 
  • Size: xLarge 5”+

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